Tuesday, April 29, 2008

An Abundance of Kodak Moments

It gives me great joy to announce that the much-anticipated pictures from the 2007 Seattle retreat are now up and ready for viewing on our website! To all of you from Seattle, thank you for your patience. I'm sorry it has taken so long for these pictures to be made available, but it turned out that we didn't even have them in our possession, much to our surprise and dismay! We thought we had lost them, but thankfully, Pastor Seim mailed a disc to us just recently solving the mystery of where the "missing" pictures went! :)

Pictures from the Dallas MQ retreat are also now up on the web. I took a few minutes this morning to page through them (warning - there are hundreds!!!) :), and had such fun re-living the memories.

For those of you waiting to see the Houston retreat pictures, I have been promised that they will be ready for viewing next week sometime. Mr. Riddell is spending extra time getting them ready considering all the studio-quality portraits that are included.

In the meantime, make sure to check out the Seattle and Dallas retreat pictures here!

Much love to all!

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